GCS will provide meal services and pick up routes for ages 18 and younger starting Monday, March 16. Check out routes, locations and times for the option that works best for you.
\r\nOur guidance is that children be on site, but we understand that some families have more challenging circumstances. We want all our children to be able to take advantage of this program, and to serve all our students as if they were at school. Please stop by the location most convenient to you and we will make sure you get meals for your children!
\r\nNon-school locations will be like our Meals on the Bus summer program. Just stop at the address listed during that location’s time slot for a “grab and go” meal. At school locations, a member of our Food Services team will hand meals out near the door, also “grab and go” style.
\r\nCaneyville: front main entrance
\r\nClarkson: rear gym entrance
\r\nGCMS: front entrance near cafeteria
\r\nGCHS: front main entrance
\r\nNo need to call ahead, but the GCHS Kitchen line at 270-259-4909 will be open between 8 am - 11 am for meal assistance questions/needs.