Don't forget tonight's PTO meeting is at 5pm followed by the Caneyville Fair Spelling Bee at 6pm.
over 6 years ago, Caneyville Flash
Hat Day Tomorrow!!!! We look forward to seeing everyone here at school!
over 6 years ago, Caneyville Flash
Have you figured out what hat you are going to wear for High Attendance Thursday?
over 6 years ago, Caneyville Flash
Mrs. Roof wants to thank everyone for coming out to this week’s Book Fair and making it the most successful Book Fair in several years.
over 6 years ago, Caneyville Flash
SAVE THE DATE!! Friday, Nov. 2 Harvest Dinner from 5-8pm and School Walk-a-thon, Friday, May 3.
over 6 years ago, Caneyville Flash
High Attendance Day! Thursday, Sept. 20th. Wear your favorite hat and all students present will receive a bag of popcorn!!!
over 6 years ago, Caneyville Flash
Parent/Teacher Conferences tomorrow night from 3:30 - 5:30.
over 6 years ago, Caneyville Flash
Don’t forget BOOK FAIR this week as well & WE WILL ACCEPT CREDIT CARDS!
over 6 years ago, Caneyville Flash
Excited for Grandparents Days this week. Today- PS & 1st, Tomorrow-KG, 2nd & 4th, Wed.-FMD, 3rd, & 5th
over 6 years ago, Caneyville Flash
Next week is jam packed: Grandparents Days (9/10-9/12), Parent/Teacher Conferences (9/11), Picture Day (9/13), and Book Fair (all week)
over 6 years ago, Caneyville Flash
Caneyville Book Fair Sept. 10-14. Read below for more info and check out our Facebook page for a selection of books that will be for sale.
over 6 years ago, Caneyville Flash
Book Fair Letter
New internet permission/access forms are being sent home today. Please fill this out and send it in by Friday even if you already filled out the old form.
over 6 years ago, Caneyville Flash
Reminder for all the 5th Grade parents with kiddos interested in BAND...Instrument rental night is tomorrow, Monday, from 5-6pm. Come in anytime only takes 10- 15 mins to walk you through the process.
over 6 years ago, Caneyville Flash
ATTN# FLASH FAMILY To better ensure we get your child home safely each day, please note any transportation changes in the planner or leave a message before 2 pm. Anytime after that, we cannot ensure messages will be received. Thank you, your child's safety is a priority to us.
over 6 years ago, Caneyville Flash
A note from Mrs. Keycia, speech/language therapy: if you have a student who receives speech or language therapy services from Mrs. Keycia, please join her Remind group, “Speechie Peeps” to receive information on monthly home practice calendars, parental info, and other friendly info. You can join by texting the message “speechiepe” to the number 81010
over 6 years ago, Caneyville Flash
Remind App codes for Mrs. Keycia’s Speech classes.
These kiddos appreciate Cool Fuel @gcboe
over 6 years ago, Caneyville Flash
All smiles for Cool Fuel.
Students having their Cool Fuel snack.
Loving Cool Fuel.
@gcboe Mrs. Weedman’s 4th Grade science classes using scientific tools today. #GCSReady #Encourage&Equip More pics on Facebook
over 6 years ago, Caneyville Flash
Khans Whitman using a magnifying glass.
Students using a magnifying glass to get a closer look at various objects.
CELEBRATING GC HOMECOMING SPIRIT WEEK Tues - Mix Match Day; Wed - Farmer Day; Thurs - Past Decades Day; Fri - Orange and Blue Day #GCSReady #WeAreGC
over 6 years ago, Caneyville Flash
A message from Mrs. Nichole...If anyone has gently used choir shirts they have outgrown or are not using anymore and would like to get rid, of she would gladly accept them.
over 6 years ago, Caneyville Flash
ATTN# 3rd-5th Grade Parents: Choir Sign-Up sheets will be sent home today and tomorrow with your child or you can sign up online by going to the link below.
over 6 years ago, Caneyville Flash