Welding is a passion for Junior Addison Newton. She is currently in her 5th welding class at GCTC and as a compliment to her CTE welding classes , she job shadows two days a week at Xtreme Fabrication. Quality Manager at Xtreme, Terri Woosley, has been super impressed with her level of knowledge and skills and hopes that she will continue working with them during her Senior year. It is a wonderful career that offers many opportunities and although welding has traditionally be dominated by males, the number of female welders has soared recently according to statistics from the Bureau of Labor. Xtreme Fabrication has been a loyal business partner to the Grayson County Work Based Learning Program for the past three years and we want to thank owner Dwight Busche, Sonic Carman, and Terri Woosley for their on-going support of mentoring our students!
Work Based Learning Wednesday -Xtreme Fabrication
May 3, 2023