The number 1 priority of the Athletic Department is to get our student athletes back to playing
the games they love. That being said, some sacrifices will have to be made.
I want to personally thank Mr. Julian Tackett of the KHSAA for the resilience he showed
throughout this process. All his decisions were based on what was best for our students.
The governor of Kentucky and the Kentucky Department of Education has given guidance on
how we can return to high school athletics safely.
Masks are MANDATORY for all people who attend an event at all times.
Social distancing is MANDATORY. Families who live together can sit together in pods. Each pod
will need to socially distance from each other.
Contact tracing information is MANDATORY and temperatures will be checked at the door.
We can only operate at 20% capacity at all of our venues. We know this will limit the
opportunities for our loyal fans. K105 will still stream most HOME events for free. The capacity
number can change in correspondence with Covid-19 data
At this time we will have NO General admission.
We are allotting 4 tickets per player on both the home and away teams roster. We recommend
that players offer these tickets to family/guardians first. Then distribute the tickets however they
would like. Admission is $5 dollars for all ages at this time.
We will offer a limited number of student tickets at the gate for each event.
Road games- our coaches should be in contact with the opposing team and should pass along
information on how the hosting school is handling the same situation. We do not want people to
drive 50+ miles and not be able to get into a game. Check with your coaches about attendance
for road games. Please
In closing, I would like to thank our Board of Education and our coworkers at the high school for
the support they have given us. I would like to thank my coaches for the ever changing
environment that we are going through. They have put in so much time and effort for our student
athletes. Finally, I would like to thank the 3rd region AD’s for all the help and support they have
given me throughout this process. Nobody has the right answers to this situation but if we
support each other we will get through this pandemic.
Student Athletes go out there and be great!

2020 Fall Sports Plan
September 4, 2020