In the midst of a pandemic, Mr. Zayne Priddy is leading our Grow, Green, Give Cougar Zone program in studying aquaponics. The plants you see here are being grown in water with no soil. Innovative teaching bringing opportunities for students! #GCMSOpportunities @gcboe
Parents and kids can find common ground with music. When your child mentions a song they like, take time to listen with them. Then, introduce them to music you enjoyed at their age. Or make playlists for each other to share your different tastes. #GCMSOpportunity
Very proud of our small groups of students who are still attending short in-person instruction sessions! Opportunity > Obstacles! #GCMSOpportunity @gcboe
During NTI, the GCMS staff is still working hard to make sure that our students have the best possible learning experience! #GCMSOpportunity @gcboe
Be consistent with the rules you set for your teen. For example, if you let them slide when they break curfew one night, but ground them for it the next time, they’ll be more likely to question your rules and test their limits. #GCMSOpportunity
MS Parents/Guardians: This video was shared via text with all parents on Friday and currently has only 134 views. Important 3-minute video keeping parents/guardians in the loop! In case you didn't receive it: #GCMSOpportunity @gcboe
Anxiety can make it difficult to focus on school. Suggest that your teen calm anxious thoughts by writing them down and setting them aside for safekeeping. Then, if the thoughts try to sneak back in, they can remind themselves that they will think about them later.
GCMS Parents and Friends, check out our Dec. Cougar Connections Newsletter at this link: Stay up to date on the great things happening at GCMS! #GCMSOpportunities @gcboe
Pop culture offers learning opportunities to tap into with your teen. For example, you might analyze the lyrics of their favorite song together and discuss the message in the music. Or talk about whether or not the science holds up in a popular sci-fi movie. #GCMSOpportunity
As Grayson County remains in red on the KDPH state incidence rate map, all in-person students will continue on NTI through Dec. 18. At this time, we anticipate a Jan. 4 return, contingent upon the community health climate or any other changes. Full message from Supt. Robinson:
Your teen may prefer texting to talking on the phone, but knowing how to handle a telephone conversation is an important tool in the working world. Suggest that they practice by making calls for you, like scheduling car maintenance, or vet appointments. #GCMSOpportunity
Reading actively will help your teen digest more of what they read. Suggest that they ask themselves: What is the main idea here? What details support it? Thinking about the answers to those questions will help them dig deeper into the text and get more out of it.
Suggest that your teen create a list of things to do on the first of each month such as writing the month’s events on a calendar, cleaning out their closet, and gathering things to donate. Creating regular goals helps them prepare for adult responsibilities. #GCMSOpportunity
Good morning students! Here's another great Cougar Zone #GCMSOpportunity!
P-EBT Food Benefit cards have been mailed by the Cabinet for Health and Family Services (CHFS) to all students enrolled in Aug. and Sept. of the current school year. See full details and FAQs at
Your teen can explore history by reading old newspapers online. They can find some on the Library of Congress website (, or search for “historical newspapers” online. They may enjoy reading news reports from the year they were born, for example. #GCMSOpportunity
Your child can liven up note taking—and pack more information into their notes—by including graphics like diagrams and charts. For example, they could draw a flowchart that shows how to solve an algebra problem or a diagram of mitosis in science class.
Yesterday afternoon, we met together as a faculty to examine how to make student learning even better during NTI. Our teachers are always looking to improve! Thankful for our GCMS family and the support of our families and community! #GCMSOpportunity @gcboe