Yearbook sales for this school year will end on March 15th! Visit and enter our school order number of 13799 to order yours today!
We have been closely following and monitoring the information and guidance provided by the CDC, the World Health Organization (WHO), state and local health departments regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19). Find out what we are doing and how we can work together to reduce its spread at We will continue to update the page as new information is available.
Mr. Beeler's 6th-grade science students were getting an introduction to Newton's Laws today by observing a football traveling on the International Space Station.
A new nine weeks means new procedures in new classrooms for our students. Check out Mrs. Brey's instructions on how to enter her class. #digdeepergcms
Summer learning camps and lots of fun are in store for students from 1st through 10th grades at WKU’s Center for Gifted Studies. Scholarships for Grayson County students are available for some programs. Discover the opportunities open to curious minds this summer at the WKU Center for Gifted Studies at
GCMS was well-represented by 6 of our most talented musicians at yesterday's WKU MS Honors Band performance! @gcboe #DigDeeperGCMS
Only 1 student per team was recognized for our Be The Good Team Player Awards for February! What an honor! @gcboe #DigDeeperGCMS
Team 2 students and teachers were ready to work this week! Mastering standards takes big effort! @gcboe #DigDeeperGCMS
One thing you can count on at GCMS: when you visit the music performance classes, you'll see hard work and high engagement! @gcboe #DigDeeperGCMS
GCMS is very proud of our new teachers and mentors who come to learn at our Teacher Induction Meetings each month. This week's theme was Special Ed. 101, led by Tracie Johnston! @gcboe #DigDeeperGCMS
We're very proud of our Cougar Excellence winners for February! Students demonstrating great character and citizenship! @gcboe #DigDeeperGCMS
In Mrs. Tucker's 6th grade science class today, students completed a "graffiti wall" to explain their own thinking about Newton's 1st Law of Motion! Inertia has never been so cool! @gcboe #DigDeeperGCMS
Proud of the great turnout at our Red Cross Blood Drive today! Not too late to come out and donate! We'll be here until 7 p.m.! @gcboe #DigDeeperGCMS
These Team 2 students from Mrs. Franich's Career Choices class earned their Financial Literacy certificates today. They had to complete the following modules: Banking Basics, Income and Employment, Budgeting, Consumer Skills, Credit and Debt, Financing Higher Education, Insurance. #digdeepergcms
Come out to hear them play! Music in our Schools Month is in full gear with the annual District Band concert, 5th grade through HS, next Tuesday, March 10, 6 pm at GCHS.
GCMS would like to thank Queen Emily Lush, Ms. Weedman, Wayne McClaskey, Mary Nelle Bouvier, Brad Cummings, Dee Dee Webb & Jessica Kiper for speaking to our 8th-grade students on Transition Day Friday! #digdeepergcms
GCMS would like to thank Honus Shain, Dr. Susan Skaggs, Kevin Henderson & Michele Vincent for speaking to our 8th-grade students for Transition Day Friday! #digdeepergcms
GCMS would like to thank Eric McAlister, Dr. Miller, Warren Beeler, Bradley Clemons, Sheriff Chaffins & Bob Mayes for coming to speak to our 8th-grade students on Transition Day Friday! #digdeepergcms
GCMS would like to thank Bill Hughes, Misty Thomas, Ian Renfrow, Tim Duvall & Larry Elmore for coming to speak to our 8th-grade students on Transition Day! #digdeepergcms
GCMS would like to thank Hunter McCrady, Luke Johnson, Madison Duvall, Stacy Decker & Todd Johnston for coming to speak to our 8th-grade students for Transition Day Friday. #digdeepergcms