GCMS registration for students NEW to the county will be held by appointment July 16 - 17, 9 am - 2 pm. See NEWS for details.
almost 5 years ago, Grayson County Schools
The GCHS Bass Fishing Team will hold signups for the 2020-21 season next week, June 15 - 16, in front of the school. See times on image. Please be sure to practice social distancing. For more information, contact team coach Curtis Decker at 270-230-2169.
almost 5 years ago, Grayson County Schools
Final survey - Family Planning for 2020-21 is now open at https://bit.ly/gc-2021. Your input will directly impact scheduling and other decisions at the district, school and classroom level. Please complete today!
almost 5 years ago, Grayson County Schools
Results of the NTI Family Survey, the first of three for feedback in planning for the 2020-21 school year, plus an update on behind-the-scenes work to prepare for reopening. Details at https://bit.ly/GCS2020Update1
almost 5 years ago, Grayson County Schools
Families, please complete this brief survey designed to help us understand the technology needs of our school district during any time of Non-Traditional Instruction (NTI). Survey Link: https://bit.ly/TechSurveyGCS
almost 5 years ago, Grayson County Schools
Congratulations to GCHS incoming senior Gracyn Cook, selected to serve on the KY FCCLA Executive Council as VP of Individual Programs for the 2020-21 school year. See the full story at https://bit.ly/CookKYFCCLA
almost 5 years ago, Grayson County Schools
Gracyn Cook
An important benefit is available to ALL GCS families. The federal COVID-19 Relief Bill provides eligibility for every student to receive a one-time benefit via EBT card of up to $313.50 per child. Applications are open June 1 – 30. Learn more at https://bit.ly/GCSPEBT
almost 5 years ago, Grayson County Schools
Camp Invention is back for 2020 and will be held virtually June 22 – 26. Limited registration is now open for only $15 to students entering grades K – 6 next school year. Space will fill quickly. Visit https://bit.ly/GCSCampInv2020 for complete details.
almost 5 years ago, Grayson County Schools
Need a paper copy of our NTI Parent Survey? Just call 270-259-4011 and we'll mail it to your home.
almost 5 years ago, Grayson County Schools
Families, please share your experience with Non-Traditional Instruction (NTI) during the COVID-19 school closures. Your honest input on this brief, anonymous survey will help us improve our instruction, communication and delivery moving forward. We appreciate your time. Survey Link: https://bit.ly/NTISurveyGCS2020
almost 5 years ago, Grayson County Schools
Our Meals on the Bus summer schedule is out! All route stops remain the same, but there have been some time changes. Please be sure to check yours. Service will remain pickup, with social distancing guidelines followed. We’ll see you Monday, May 18!
almost 5 years ago, Grayson County Schools
The grandparent/grandchild bond is one of the most special. Congratulations go out to GC Retired Teachers Assoc. Grandparent Essay Contest county winner, Wilkey 5th grader Tionah Meredith. The contest is open to all 5th graders. Check out school and classroom winners at https://bit.ly/EssayGCRTA
almost 5 years ago, Grayson County Schools
Healthy children learn better, and school nurses make it happen! Hat’s off to our stellar nursing team for all they do for both body and mind to help keep students ready to learn and grow. Thank you Brenda Oller, GCHS; Dana Carman, GCMS; Chastity Thorpe, Caneyville; Lynn Ponder, Clarkson; Jennifer Smith, Lawler; DaLeisa Miller, Wilkey; Kim Cannon and Michele Vincent, District. 
almost 5 years ago, Grayson County Schools
School Nurses Day May 6, 2020
Congratulations to these GCHS HOSA members on top event finishes and Community Service awards at State Leadership Competition, held virtually this year. See their finished at bit.ly/GCHSHOSA. All now move on to virtual National competition in June.
almost 5 years ago, Grayson County Schools
Shout out to District Technology Integration Specialist Dee Dee Webb, named as one of only 19 educators from across the country to the PBS Digital Innovator All-Star Class of 2020! Visit bit.ly/PBS2020AllStar to discover how Dee Dee is using technology both inside and outside the classroom to inspire students and teachers alike.
almost 5 years ago, Grayson County Schools
Wow! Look what arrived today! The Class of 2020 celebration just keeps getting BIGGER! Shout out to the best maintenance team around for getting it placed so fast (and SO straight!)
almost 5 years ago, Grayson County Schools
Class of 2020 banner on front of GCHS
Trucks in fron of Class of 2020 banner on front of GCHS
Is there a finer group to wish a Happy Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week? Always, but especially this year. Sometimes above and beyond goes way beyond anything that can possibly be imagined! Thank you to our GCS teachers and staff for everything they do!
almost 5 years ago, Grayson County Schools
School may be soon be out, but we’ll still keep serving up mobile meals in these next few weeks. The current schedule and routes will remain the same through May 15. We’ll be sure to provide an update as soon as it’s available!
almost 5 years ago, Grayson County Schools
We couldn’t let National Principal Day go by without a shout out to the most amazing principals anywhere!! Always, but especially during these times. Thank you, thank you to this group of outstanding leaders: Josh Baldwin, GCHS; Gary Parker, GCMS; Josh Basham, Caneyville; Alicia Brooks, Lawler; Shannon Cates, Clarkson; Lisa Skaggs, Wilkey; and Tommy Hodges, AEC. 
almost 5 years ago, Grayson County Schools
Congratulations to (CTE) Students of the Month for the last quarter, Carson Decker, Carpentry; Carlie Jenkins and Sophie McCleod, Business. In addition to classwork, honorees are designated based on work ethic, perseverance, attitude and other Profile of a GCS Graduate “soft skills."
almost 5 years ago, Grayson County Schools