The countdown to Senior Sendoff is taking off in a BIG way! Here’s to the Class of 2020!

Wow! These teachers have been kicking their technology game up a notch and now have the Screencastify certifications to prove it! Congratulations to all!

Students, we know you’re following good safety & hygiene practices every day, Make it official & take the COVID-19 Safety Pledge! Families, the community can join in, too. Healthy practices are for everyone! Help GC reach 1K pledges (or more). Visit https://kycss.org/sswpledge today!

Online registration for Preschool and Kindergarten is now available! Packets are still available as well, for those who need or prefer that option. Check out the important updates for both to get your child ready to join us on a learning adventure during during the 2020-21 school year. Learn more at bit.ly/GCSPSK2021

Let the celebration begin! GCHS has some BIG plans to honor the Class of 2020. See what's in store in this message from the Administrative Team. bit.ly/GCHS2020Sendoff And stay tuned for more details to come ...

WOW! 72,186 meals served through today! Hats off to our Food Services & Transportation teams who keep on serving with a smile and so much care for all our kids countywide. Some minor revisions next week. Be sure to check your location, and we’ll see you soon!

Hey Seniors! Your Transportation Team wishes you the very best as you head out on a NEW road. After 12 years of laughs, tears, wins, losses, meals, trips, championships, and ALL the wonderful memories of watching you grow into the unforgettable Class of 2020, “thanks for riding with us!”

Thank you to our Administrative Professionals! Their work in our front offices, behind the scenes and throughout the district keeps us on track and moving in the right direction. They ARE the glue that holds us together and we appreciate all they do - every day!

Partner praise! A BIG thank you to these local businesses that have so generously donated bags for our mobile meals program. With more than 55,000 meals served in the past five weeks ... that’s a LOT of bags. We so appreciate their support!

The last day of school for students will be Wednesday, May 6. Schools have provided students with NTI materials through May 1, and the remaining days of May 4 - 6 will be a time for makeup, catch up and review. Please see Supt. Robinson’s message to families for more.

Preschool/Kindergarten parents, please complete this important pre-registration survey at bit.ly/PSKRegSurvey to help us plan for the upcoming school year. We will provide details on official registration soon. Thank you!

Congratulations to these GCHS juniors, selected for the prestigious 2020 Governor’s Scholars Program! Governor’s Scholars are selected based on grades, activities, community service, teacher and personal recommendations.

Gov. Beshear has recommended that KY schools not resume in-person classes for the remainder of the 2019-20 school year. NTI days will continue as scheduled. We will provide additional information in the days ahead.

Congratulations to GCHS junior Ethan Phillips on acceptance to the Governor’s School for the Arts!. Ethan is one of only 256 student-artists statewide selected to participate in the prestigious and highly selective summer program.

Belonging ... inclusion ... we all want to be part of something. At GCHS students and staff are joining together to become “Sources of Strength.” Although we may all be different, we ALL belong. See what they have to say at bit.ly/GCHSBelong

Congratulations to Josie Decker and CJ Terven, awarded the KY FCCLA Agnes Foster Golden Horizon Award for outstanding leadership, two of only 12 recipients selected statewide.

The April Grayson County Board of Education meeting will be live streamed at 6 pm this evening at bit.ly/AprilBdMtg. Requests for public comment should be emailed to doug.robinson@grayson.kyschools.us no later than 5:45 pm.

We’ll be back on our M – F mobile meals schedule as we return from Spring Break tomorrow.

School may be out, but Spirit is always in! Join us in celebrating all things local. Share your photos, posts and memories with #WeAreGCconnected. Add #GCWins for a fabulous daily drawing package entry. The countdown is on … get ready to share your Spring Break Spirit, GC!

Gov. Beshear today recommended that all Kentucky schools extend closure through May 1. A transcript of Supt. Robinson's call to families and staff this evening can be viewed at bit.ly/UpdatesGCS. Spring Break remains April 6 - 10, with NTI days beginning again on April 13. For all official updates please continue to visit graysoncountyschools.com.