Grayson County Schools is on REGULAR schedule today. There was an earlier report of cancellation by a TV station, which is not the case. Regular schedule for GCS, Wednesday, Nov. 13.
over 5 years ago, Grayson County Schools
School is cancelled in Grayson County for Tuesday November 12th.
over 5 years ago, GCS Transportation
Knowledge is power. Get the facts about vaping this Thurs, Nov. 7, 5:30 – 7 pm at GCHS. Event is open to ALL. Hear from community law enforcement and healthcare experts on how e-cigarettes affect health, kids, and our community. Together we can make an impact! #WeAreGCconnectED
over 5 years ago, Grayson County Schools
REMINDER: No school for students tomorrow (Tuesday, Nov. 5), Election Day. We encourage everyone to VOTE! #WeAreGCconnectED
over 5 years ago, Grayson County Schools
Decorative Election Day
It’s time to to start planning for the 2020-21 School Year and we’d love to hear from you! Please give us your input into the upcoming School Calendar by taking this very brief survey Responses are requested by Nov. 13.
over 5 years ago, Grayson County Schools
decorative calendar
Please give us your input into the 2020-21 School Year Calendar by taking this very brief survey Responses are requested by Nov. 13.
over 5 years ago, Grayson County Schools
decorative calendar
Top 10 finish in Bands of America Super Regional Class AA, competing with 84 bands from 10 states – talk about "Next Level!" Congratulations to the GCHS Marching Cougars in wrapping up an outstanding season with such an impressive finale. A tribute to leadership, teamwork, resilience and plain old hard work – qualities that will serve these students for life.
over 5 years ago, Grayson County Schools
GCHS Band on Football Field
Thank you Mr. Justin Logan from Wave 3 news coming to talk to our kindergarten students this afternoon about weather.
over 5 years ago, Caneyville Flash
Justin Logan
Justin Logan
Kindergarten and Mr. Justin Logan from wave 3
The KY Dept. of Education has released the 2018-19 Assessment and Accountability results, with a new 5-star look and emphasis on proficiency, growth and transition readiness. See full story
over 5 years ago, Grayson County Schools
decorative gcs logo
Softball camp signups through 10/1. Forms and details are available on the district website or Facebook page.
over 5 years ago, Grayson County Schools
GCS has been named one of only 12 districts statewide as an education "Bright Spot." See how we received the honor
over 5 years ago, Grayson County Schools
gcs logo
It's a Signing Day celebration for these Class of ‘19 grads found success with local employers through coops, job shadowing while still in school and earned employment offers as result! Congrats to Charie Meredith, GC Court Clerk, Logan Overby, Elite Welding, Kellie Geary, Leitchfield BP, and Gabrielle McCarty, TLRMC. Thanks to these community partners who opened their doors to provide hands-on education for the win-win. #WeAreGCconnectED
over 5 years ago, Grayson County Schools
Gabrielle McCarty
Charie Meredith
Kellie Geary
Logan Overby
Thanks to local industry Leggett &Platt, Mid-Park, Plastikon, Bel Brands USA, Hamilton-Ryker for sharing manufacturing careers – education and options – with GCMS 8th graders during Mfg. Week.
over 5 years ago, Grayson County Schools
speaker in front of auditorium of students
speaker in front of auditorium of students
speaker in front of auditorium of students
speaker in front of auditorium of students
It was a repeat for Team GCS in the 2nd annual Corporate Cup against some fierce (but very friendly) competition from Plastikon, ECTC and Farm & Home Realty and Auction. Great day of fun, fellowship and teamwork! Thanks to all team members and volunteers! #WeAreGCconnecteD
over 5 years ago, Grayson County Schools
GCS Corporate Cup team with trophy
Team GCS dabbing at Corp Cup
Congratulations to Kristy Hodges and the Meals on the Bus program, 2019 Chamber of Commerce Education Award winner. Thanks to Food Services staff, bus drivers, so many community volunteers and partners who have helped this program grow! #WeAreGCconnectED
over 5 years ago, Grayson County Schools
Misty Thomas and Kristy Hodges holding an award.
Jr. Pro Basketball, open to all students in grades 1 – 8, will hold sign-ups on Sundays in September – the 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th, from 1 – 3 pm at the GCMS cafeteria. Visit for details or contact Daniel Decker at 270-259-6844 for additional questions.
over 5 years ago, Grayson County Schools
Interested in a STEM career? @gchs_cougars can learn about opportunities with The Gatton Academy and the Craft Academy on Tues., 9/17, 6 - 8 pm ET at the Early College and Career Center (EC3) in E’town.
over 5 years ago, Grayson County Schools
Learning about business from our nation’s capital – straight from the source! Many thanks to Rep. Brett Guthrie who visited Chancellor Dennison’s GCHS class this week.
over 5 years ago, Grayson County Schools
Brett Guthrie and GCHS class
Brett Guthrie talks to GCHS class
This is an informational-only message for our families and community.
over 5 years ago, Grayson County Schools
copy of letter re KY and AR unsubstantiated threat
The State Fair is a great showcase for talent of all ages to #MakeYourMark. Congrats to these FCCLA members on Life Smarts Challenge participation and Gracyn Cook on taking 2nd place in floral cake design and cupcakes. 
over 5 years ago, Grayson County Schools
people on stage with culinary equipment FCCLA
Group of teens in front of curtain
Girl standing in front of cake case
teens holding prize ribbons in front of backdrop