The GCMS Transition Day experience, is a fantastic event that helps 8th graders get the inside track on high school life and a variety of careers and paths to reach them. Great event planning and support from professionals in sharing their journeys and tips for success.
about 6 years ago, Grayson County Schools
GCHS students performed at the Center for the Arts with students from across Kentucky during All-State weekend, the highest honor for a high school musician. Playing with the Orchestra were Jonathan Nelson, Evan Clark (also 9th chair bass), Payton Abney, and Steven Phillips. Devin Coon performed with the All-State Concert Band. Choral performances featured Ella Robinson, Ethan Philips, Austin Clark, Evan Clark, Liam Marshall, Cameron Harris, and Caitlyn Woosley.
about 6 years ago, Grayson County Schools
All-State Orchestra members
Devin Coon, All-State Band
All-State Chorus members
Grayson County elementary schools recently competed in District Governors Cup academic team competition, with Clarkson taking first place, and Lawler a close second. Lawler placed first in Quick Recall, and Wilkey second. Clarkson and Lawler again finished one, two respectively in the Future Problem Solving event.Individual medals for Written Assessment were awarded to students districtwide. See all awards
about 6 years ago, Grayson County Schools
Clarkson Academic Team
Lawler Academic Team
GCHS DECA came away from Regional competition with 18 students placing 1st in their event, and all 30 competitors qualifying for state conference in March. See projects, events and finishes
about 6 years ago, Grayson County Schools
GCHS DECA Regional competitors on stage
Grayson County Spelling Bee elementary winners. 4th grade (l-r): 1st, Emelia Thurman; 2nd, Maggie Shepherd, both Wilkey; 3rd, Piper Mangan from Clarkson. 5th grade (l-r): 1st, Jacob Cummings, Caneyville; 2nd, Emma Newman, Wilkey; and 3rd, Jackson Rusher, also Caneyville. Middle School winners: 1st Place, Landon Shiarella; 2nd, Kadie Monin, 3rd Place, Chris Vincent. Landon will represent Grayson County in the statewide KY Derby Festival Spelling Bee this spring.
about 6 years ago, Grayson County Schools
GCMS Spelling Bee winners
4th grade spelling bee winners
5th grade spelling bee winners
The 4th/5th grade countywide Spelling Bee is ON for Sat., Feb. 2! All contestants should arrive at Wilkey Elementary by 8:45 am to check in, and spelling will begin promptly at 9 am. The district elementary academic team Quick Recall Challenge will take place immediately following.
about 6 years ago, Grayson County Schools
Due to icy roads, GCS will be closed on Friday, February 1st.
about 6 years ago, GCS Transportation
Due to current weather conditions GCS will be cancelled for Thursday, January 31st.
about 6 years ago, GCS Transportation
Due to extreme weather conditions forecast GCS will be closed on Wednesday, January 30th.
about 6 years ago, GCS Transportation
Congratulations to these GCHS musicians on being selected to the 9/10 All-District Band! Mason VanMeter, Ethan Priddy, Reuben Elmore, Kennadi Walters, Lexi Darst, Shaina Portman, Kristen Decker, Kylie Brown, Liberty Reneer, Sarah Milliner, Abigail Geary, Thomas Day, and Jay Bracket will perform in the All-District Symphonic Band next month. They join Princess Reed, Natasha Ramsey, Rylie Hayes, Alexis Harmon, Devin Coon, Trevor Kincheloe, Jeremiah Embry, and Mason Parker, who were previously selected to perform during separate auditions.
about 6 years ago, Grayson County Schools
GCHS All district Band 9/10
GCHS All Gidtrict Band 11/12
Strong individual and team showings lead the GCMS Academic Team to an overall 1st place finish at District Governor’s Cup. In addition, the team was awarded the Hume Sportsmanship Award, a coveted honor voted on by all participating teams. Future Problem Solvers took 1st place, with Quick Recall placing 3rd. Individual awards for written assessments went to: Colton Glenn, Math, 3rd; Blaine Aubrey, 4th, Science; Landon Shiarella, 2nd, Blain Aubrey, 3rd, and Cole Bryant, 5th in Social Studies; Jordan Grant, 2nd and Madison Stamper, 4th, Language Arts; Audrey Lee, 1st and Cooper Lee, 5th, Arts and Humanities; and Audrey Lee, 1st, Sierra Secora, 3rd, and Mackenzie England, 4th in Composition.
about 6 years ago, Grayson County Schools
GCMS Academic Team with 1st place award
The GCMS Beta Club was well-represented in at the state convention, with 39 members competing. Sixth grader Jake Pohlman finished 3rd in the state in the Handmade Jewelry category, and seventh grader Hollie Hagan finished 4th in Language Arts. Both now have the opportunity to compete at Nationals in Oklahoma City this June. GCMS also finished Top 10 in the state in the Engineering, Service Project Showcase, and Marketing and Communications competitions.
about 6 years ago, Grayson County Schools
GCMS Beta Club at State Convention
Jake Pohlman with Award Plaque
Hollie Hagan with award plaque
Engineering five-student team with sign and model
Ms. Tracy Bryant’s Clarkson third graders are super excited about their new Chromebooks, thanks to a $5,000 grant from Dow Chemical. Students use the notebooks daily for many math and science activities, but previously shared with other classes. The grant not only provided Bryant’s students 1:1 access, but freed up funds for additional classroom sets schoolwide. Thanks to Dow for generously supporting innovations in learning!
about 6 years ago, Grayson County Schools
Tracy Bryants 3rd grade class with Dow reps and Chromebooks
Grayson County Schools will be closed on Tuesday, January 22nd.
about 6 years ago, GCS Transportation
We have a three-day weekend coming up! There will be no school on Monday, Jan. 21, in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. And with three snow days missed to date, we will be in session Monday, Feb. 18, as a makeup day.
about 6 years ago, Grayson County Schools
The 2019-20 School Calendar was approved at last night's Board of Education meeting.
about 6 years ago, Grayson County Schools
2019-20 School Year Calendar
Congratulations to Ella Robinson, Ethan Philips, Austin Clark, Evan Clark, Liam Marshall, Cameron Harris, and Caitlyn Woosley on their selection to All-State Chorus.
about 6 years ago, Grayson County Schools
GCHS AllState Chorus members
No nights, no weekends. Join our team!
over 6 years ago, Grayson County Schools
Bus Drivers Wanted
Grayson County Schools will be cancelled on Wednesday, December 5th.
over 6 years ago, GCS Transportation
Grayson County Schools will operate on a 2 hour delay on Wednesday, December 5th.
over 6 years ago, GCS Transportation